January 7, 2021
2020 is almost upon us, it has been a difficult year, it has projected everyone into an experientially and socially more evolved situation within a few months, for which perhaps not everyone was prepared, which forced us to immediately adapt.
At the beginning of this period of global pandemic, companies were displaced, faced with a stalemate with no certainty of forecasting the future, bu today, months later, we have a clearer vision on the aspects and activities to which to allocate more attention and greater efforts to thrive in a more timely revival.
No one wanted to give up on coffee, this is the confirmation that it is a solid market, the balance has shifted towards a more domestic consumption, without ever abandoning the desire to return to the bar to experience the ritual of Italian espresso and it is what gives comfort to the hard-hit sector.
The road we want to pursue is that towards an increasingly domestic consumption of coffee beans, a goal that today seems closer, increasingly advanced technology, offers numerous pratical solutions within everyone’s reach, super-automatic plug-in play machines of the latest generation that allow to obtain an excellent result in the cup, considering the considerable economic savings on consumption and enviromental impact benefits.
From 2021 we expect more awareness and knowledge about digital tools and the opportunities they offer, so we have developed the new website, which has been online for a new days, not least the E-COMMERCE which in this period proved to be fundamental and no longer accesory, we are working on the creation of a new online shop even more performing and accessible which will soon replace the current one.